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Journal Publications

Wenner, Miriam, and Silva Lieberherr (2022): “Establishing Trustworthiness. Studying Leaders and Mobilisation in Two Social Movements in India.” Partecipazione e Conflitto 15 (1): 274–89.


Wenner, Miriam (2021): “Trajectories of Hybrid Governance: Legitimacy, Order and Leadership in India.” Development and Change 52 (2): 265–88.


Karki, Darshan, and Miriam Wenner (2020): “What Is Not in a Name? Toponymic Ambivalence, Identity, and Symbolic Resistance in the Nepali Flatlands.” EchoGéo 53: 1–18.

Brugger, Andri und Miriam Wenner (2020): Wie Fairtrade übersetzt wird. Machtbeziehungen im globalen Produktionsnetzwerk von zertifiziertem Darjeeling-Tee. In: Geographische Rundschau 1/2, p.24-29. (Fairtrade translated. Power relations in the global production network of certified Darjeeling tea).

Wenner, Miriam (2020): Functions of sovereign violence: Contesting and establishing order in Darjeeling/India. In: Political Geography 77.

Wenner, Miriam (2018): 'Breaking Bad' or being good? Moral conflict and political conduct in Darjeeling/India. In: Contemporary South Asia 26 (1), p.2-17. DOI 10.1080/09584935.2018.1431609

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Wenner, Miriam (2017): Vulnerability, food aid, and dependency: views from development geography. In: Hermeneutische Blätter 2017(01), p.158-170.

Wenner, Miriam (2015): Legitimisation through patronage? Strategies for political control beyond ethno-regional claims in Darjeeling, India. In: Geoforum 66, p. 234-243.


Wenner, Miriam (2013): Challenging the state by reproducing its principles. The struggle for "Gorkhaland" between regional autonomy and national belonging. In: Asian Ethnology 72 (2), p. 199-220.


Bishokarma, Miriam (aka Wenner) (2012): Die Bedeutung imaginativer Geographien im Kampf um "Gorkhaland" (Imaginative geographies as strategies in the struggle for "Gorkhaland"). In: Peripherie 126/127, p. 295-315.

Book Chapters

Wenner, Miriam (2022): Ethnoregionalism. In: The Routledge Companion to Northeast India. edited by J.P. Wouters and T.B. Subba. Routledge, Delhi.

Wenner, Miriam (2022): Die ethnifizierte Region. In: Die Region. Eine Begriffserkundung, edited by Ulrich Ermann, Malte Höfner, Sabine Hostniker, Ernst Michael Preininger, and Danko Simic, 59-70. Transcript, Bielefeld.

Wenner, Miriam (2021): “Faire Ketten? Zur Rolle von fairem Handel in Globalen Warenketten.” In: Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung: Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur, edited by Karin Fischer, Christian Reiner, and Cornelia Staritz, 318–36. Mandelbaum Verlag.

Brugger, Andri und Miriam Wenner (2020): Wie Ideen reisen. Machtbeziehungen in der Übersetzung der Fairtrade-Idee auf Darjeelings Teeplantagen. In: In: Gröne, K., Braun, B., Kloß, S., Schüller, M. und Bollig, M. (Hg.): Fairer Handel. Chancen, Grenzen, Herausforderungen. Oekum, München. p. 65-86. (How ideas travel. Power relations in translations of the Fairtrade idea on Darjeeling tea plantations)

Wenner, Miriam (2018): Virtuous Movements and Dirty Politics. The Art of Camouflage in Darjeeling. In: Middleton, T. and S. Shneiderman (eds.): Darjeeling Reconsidered. Histories, Politics, Environments. Oxford University Press, Delhi, p. 113-134.

Wenner, Miriam (2016): Diasporic imaginations of Darjeeling. Gorkhaland as an imaginative geography. In: T.B. Subba and A.C. Sinha (Eds.): Nepali diaspora in a globalsed era. Routledge, Delhi, p. 108-130.


Bishokarma, Miriam (2011): Does food assistance matter? The impacts of food-for-work in Mugu, Nepal's mid-western district. In: Prabhash Devkota (Ed.): Changing paradigms of aid effectiveness in Nepal. Alliance for aid monitor Nepal, Kathmandu, p. 138-158


Bishokarma, Miriam (2012): Assessing "dependency". Food security and the impact of food aid on livelihoods in Mugu. Vajra publications, Kathmandu. 123 pages.

Book Reviews

Wenner, Miriam (2018): Rival claims. Ethnic violence and territorial autonomy under Indian federalism, by Bethany Lacina. In: Pacific Affairs 91 (3). Erhältlich unter:


Wenner, Miriam (2016): Rituals of Ethnicity. Thangmi identities between Nepal and India, by Sara Shneiderman. In: International Migration Review 50 (2), S.23-24. Erhältlich unter:

Wenner, Miriam (2015): Understanding Gorkhaland. Book review. In: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol L (11), p. 33-36.






Wenner, Miriam (2018): Dirty politics and virtuous movements. Morality, space, and politics in Darjeeling/India (Konferenzpapier). In: Butsch, Carsten et al. (Hg.): Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien: 8. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien, 19./20. Januar 2018, Köln, Heidelberg; Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks, 2018 (Geographien Südasiens, Band 10). p. 32-35.

Wenner, Miriam (2017): Spielball zwischen Kolkata und Delhi? Die Gorkhaland-Bewegung in Darjeeling (Plaything between Kolkata and Delhi? The Gorkhaland movement in Darjeeling). In: Südasien (4/2017), p. 21-25.


Wenner, Miriam (2017), second authored open-editorial together with R. Bennike, S. Besky, N. Chhetri, T. Middleton, R. P. Rai, S. Sarkar, D. Sen, J. Sharma, and S. Shneiderman: What’s brewing in Darjeeling? In: The Hindu, July 25, 2017. Available at:

Wenner, Miriam (2016): Ruling an unruly space. "Petty sovereigns" and challenges to state sovereignty in Darjeeling/India (Conference Paper). In: Nicolas Schlitz et al. (Eds.): Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien: 6. Jahrestagung des AK Südasien, 22./23. Januar 2016, Osnabrück, Heidelberg; Berlin: CrossAsia-eBooks, 2016 (Geographien Südasiens, Band 5).

Wenner, Miriam (2016): Leben mit der Blockade in Nepal. Reisebericht einer Busfahrt durch das Protestgebiet, die man so schnell nicht vergisst. (Living with the blockade in Nepal. Account of a bus trip through the protest area) In: Südasien (1/2016), p. 82-85


Wenner, Miriam (2015): Whither labour? Shortfalls of the ethnic discourse in Darjeeling. In: Cafe Dissensus, December 2015. Available at:


Bishokarma, Miriam (2010): Food assistance in Nepal - Help or hindrance? (editorial). In: Republica (6.8.2010)


Bishokarma, Miriam and Siemon Hollema (2010): A sub-regional hunger index for Nepal. WFP Nepal, Kathmandu

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